Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Chicago Based Company making a Difference!

A Five Accessories Product

I am all for non-profit, so when I hear about a Chicago based company creating a fashionable good that gives back, it's very exciting!!!! Five Accessories is a social enterprise that sells fairly traded and Eco friendly handbags, recycled purses and sustainable jewelry. This company sources their items from needy countries such as Bali, Honduras, Cambodia and India. Plus they also keep us in mind, also sourcing items from needy areas of the United States. What is so amazing about this company is that their goal is to deliver sustainable livelihoods for their workers and their communities. So instead of what other companies do, just give items away to the needy, they teach and hire them to produce products for them! Like they say, you give a man a fish, they eat for a day; you teach them how to fish, they will eat forever.
An employee creating jewelry for Five Accessories
One of the recycle mosquito net totes

Five Accessories has created an income generating program in Chicago called Off the Street. Five Accessories are using urban refuse recycled off the street and helping those, many formerly homeless, stay off the street through gainful employment. Just knowing what this company is doing, the difference they are creating, makes me want to just go on a spending spree!!!! Five Accessories has very affordable prices, a cute bamboo handbag is only $25! Recycled mosquito net totes at $25!!!! Very unique and distinct items that are very chic!
Bamboo handbag only $25!!!
Make sure to check out their website and videos, https://www.fiveaccessories.com/
Have fun shopping and knowing that by completing your fave past-time activity, you are doing good in the world!!!

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